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  • ries-o-graphy

Something that seems impossible for us.

(this is us, by the way. On our favourite beach in the whole wide world, Dappat se Gat, located just outside of Cape Town. Go there someday, and have some wine. Thank us later.)

Here’s an endless love affair: a good book, and me. Words on pages will chase tears across my cheeks and giddy smiles across my face. I’m an avid reader, and a hopeless romantic.

A chaotically pretty mess, if you ask me.

I adore reading, I adore writing. Always have. Always will. I will read books days on end. What I’m hopelessly in love with is the way words stumble and fall in place perfectly to form phrases and sentences that describe what runs through our minds, what we observe, what fascinates our senses. How these sentences cohesively, messily enscribe our lives, moments that matter to us and feelings we hold dear to our hearts.

What I’m even more in love with, frankly fascinated by, is the feelings, emotions and keepsakes that simply can not be described, no matter how many times you reshuffle the letters or words. There’s some moments in our lives that can only be felt. Ephemeral moments. Irreplaceable moments. You know, I’m a firm believer that some moments were made only to be felt and cherished.

That brings us here.

Trying to catch these ephemeral moments before they slip right through your fingers. We don’t create to describe your moments.

We create for you to feel them, as deep and true as you did when the moment occurred.

Over the next few months, I will share what I like to call our visual wedding diaries on here. Visual stories. Because these stories that we get to tell, hardly involves syllables and phrases — it’s a hopeless task trying to tell these stories only using words. Simply impossible.

We hope these stories do to you what words do to me, takes you on a wild rollercoaster of emotions time and time again.

With love, everytime




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